I code all the stuff on this website by hand using Macromedia Homesite 5.5 for all HTML and Bradbury Software's TopStyle Pro 3.1 for the related stylesheets. The HTML is coded according to 'Strict' 4.01 specifications, and all pages are validated using the W3C Markup Validation Service. That basically means that each page in this website should work properly and look decent in 99% of all of the different web-browsers out there.
The front-page news updates are posted and managed via Six Apart's excellent Moveable Type 2.65 web-publishing software (we'll probably upgrade to a 3.xx version at some point). Our webspace provider is iPowerWeb, and they've seemed pretty decent during the 2-plus years that I've been with them.
The content and design of this website, the band's music and lyrics, and all photos on this website are original products (unless otherwise noted) and are therefore copyrighted by their original creators. Please don't appropriate or use anything off of this website for any purpose whatsoever unless you ask us really nicely first (and then only if we agree to your request). Thanks.
Mainly just for my own amusement, here's a brief list of the changes that this website has gone through.
For future versions, there are two major changes I'd like to make. First, I'd like to move away from the current fixed-width layout to something a little more fluid. Second (and this'll hopefully be an ongoing task) I'd like to add some more style and 'character' to the site by way of graphics, colours, etc.